SurgiDat EndoStorageCab™
Flexible Scope - Clean Air - Electronic - Storage Cabinets
SurgiDat Flexible Endoscope Storage Cabinets provide a highly visable, clean HEPA filtered positive pressure Air environment to safely Store and Manage your expensive, sensitive Medical Devices.
SurgiDat Cloud9 Electronic Storage
- Highly Visual representation of scopes loaded
- Available integrated RFID Option
- Real Time monitoring and on cabinet Scope Expiry LED Alerts
- SurgiDat EndoStorageCab™ can reduce inventory to 3-5 days avoiding expired stock.
Integratable with Serenity TagIT and GI Lab
- Point of use Storage Validation Expiry TAG "Patient safety and regulatory compliance
- Simple data management at point of use/patient level allocation
- Enterprise - Real-time knowledge across the supply chain
- Ease of use = simple to deploy and manage
- Web based, secure, scalable, layered technology, accountability and risk management
- Measurable outcomes for spend/allocation, financial control and budgeting
- Inventory requirements based upon clinical workflow
- Customized to your business needs
- Rapid deployment and interface with existing systems
Patient Centric
- SurgiDat is built to fit the way you operate
- Tailored to your business needs
- Coordinates patient relationship with materials management
- One centralized access point across multiple data sources enabling a more informed patient care decision
- At a glance, secure web based, Service Orientated Architecture (SOA)
TagIT Brochure